Looking to Connect?
Join a small group as we care, learn and grow together. Find a GroupAdd New GroupA test was once completed where Olympic level swimmers first swam in silence and then with a crowd cheering them on. The results showed that these athletes, some of the most self motivated people in the world, consistently produced better results with the encouragement of others.
These same results can be realised in our lives too. We all have our own day to day battles, struggles and goals we want to achieve and some times it can seem too much especially if we are doing it alone. The Bible consistently encourages us together and is basically one big guide about connecting in love with God and each other. Not only that but it tells us story after story of how people connected first and then great things happened.
So lets see if we can get those Gold medal results through the meaningful relationships, real encouragement and support that a small group provides. Plus it’s fun.
Families Come As You Are
Couldn’t find what you were looking for? Why not start a new small group around your interests…