
Spiritual food. Pre-recorded
Each One Reach One (Part 4)

Each One Reach One (Part 4)

Today's message, brought to us by Pastor Mark, was the final part of this series, exploring the mandate and method of Jesus for making disciples. In this final part of the series, we learn about Jesus' method for establishing and equipping those disciples to duplicate...

No Earthly Good

No Earthly Good

Today's message, brought to us by local medical intern Orhue, challenged us to reflect on the balance in our Christian experience. No matter which stage of the Christian journey you are currently navigating, achieving balance is a relevant challenge. Listen along today!

Each One Reach One (Part 3)

Each One Reach One (Part 3)

Today's message was the third part of Pastor Mark's most recent series on discipleship. In this message, the Master's mandate and the Master's method were discussed, leaving us with both a call and a toolbox for fulfilling that call. Listen along today!

The Infinity of God

The Infinity of God

Today's message was a contemplation of the significance of God's infinite nature and, in stark contrast our insignificance. Yet, this boundless God chooses to value us infinitely, making us of infinite significance to Him. Explore the unreachable today with James!   

Each One Reach One (Part 2)

Each One Reach One (Part 2)

Today's message, the second part of Pr Mark's series on Discipleship, demonstrated the power of multiplication in evangelism and outlined Jesus' method of making disciples. Listen along today!

Each One Reach One

Each One Reach One

Today's message, brought to us by our local Pastor, walked us through Jesus' plan for changing the world through discipleship. Listen along today and learn how you can be a disciple who makes disciples!

Pursuing the Prize

Pursuing the Prize

Today's message, brought to us by Pr Mark, challenged us to seek Christ as our first priority. Based largely on the Apostle Paul's testimony in Philippians 3, it challenged us to run the race of life with the determination to win. 

New Life in Christ

New Life in Christ

Today's message provided a summary of the 10 days of prayer program that was held between January 6 & 16. It challenged us to choose to die daily with Jesus so that we can, in turn, experience His resurrection power in our lives. Listen along now!

Seeking Revival

Seeking Revival

Today's message had only one goal - to challenge us to seek revival through earnest prayer. Pr Mark did this through a study of the parable of the persistent friend in Luke 11. Join us today!

Take a Risk

Take a Risk

Today's message, a practical discourse about taking intelligent risks, challenged us all to be bold and invest our talents in God's service - rather than wasting them for fear of failure. Luke challenges you that often standing still is more dangerous than making...

If Only

If Only

All of us have had experiences where we think "if only..." There was a woman who came to Jesus who felt that 'if only she could touch the hem of His garment' she would be healed. Upon doing this, virtue passed from Jesus into her and she was fully healed. Is there an...

Pigeon Mission

Pigeon Mission

Every find yourself walking away from God's call for your life rather than toward it? Today's message discusses the lessons we can learn from the Prophet Jonah, who did exactly this. Listen along today and be simultaneously encouraged and challenged!

The Best You That You Can Be

The Best You That You Can Be

Today's message was a bit of a different format. Rather than being a biblical exposition, it utilised the story of Jacob, side-by-side with Dave's story, to speak about learning and creating your identity to become the best version of yourself - loving God with all...

Epigenetics vs Genes

Epigenetics vs Genes

Have you got a checkered past? Is your family history littered with degeneracy? Today's message was a study of the way that epigenetics offers hope from the predisposition of our genetic makeup. Listen along to learn how to take control of your future.