
Spiritual food. Pre-recorded
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Got a New Year's resolution? Today Andrès challenges us not to make resolutions, but instead to enter into partnership with God. This message was one of encouragement to leave 2018 behind us (rejoicing in the triumphs & joys, and learning from the heartaches &...

The Unexpected Expected One

The Unexpected Expected One

Merry Christmas! Today's message was a reminder as to why a Saviour was necessary, as well as a challenge to be sure that we aren't caught unawares as were the Jews.

Obadiah – Jehovah’s Servant

Obadiah – Jehovah’s Servant

Today Ricardo, our Hispanic Spanish preacher, took us on a tour of the shortest book in the Old Testament - Obadiah. He spoke about the message that God gave Obadiah for the people of Edom and made application to the impending judgment that will one day soon be poured...

The Gospel of Photini

The Gospel of Photini

Today we had an excellent message journeying through the story of John chapter 4. You may think you know the story back-the-front, but I would challenge you to listen to this message and see if you don't both learn something new, and feel a desire to leave behind some...

Communion & The Kingdom

Communion & The Kingdom

The Communion service is celebrated as a memorial of the work of our Saviour. As with all of the great truths of scripture there are other facets that we don't often see to these symbols. Today Pr Mark pulls back the veil a fraction so that we can see another of the...

Things That Hold Us Back

Things That Hold Us Back

Alan's sermon today was a walk through some of the narrative of Israel making observations along the way about what things we place our confidence in and what things hold us back. Alan challenged us to prepare to be the next generation by 'removing the reproach' and...

Preparation for the Second Coming

Preparation for the Second Coming

Today's sermon was a Bible Study based in 1 Thessalonians 4 & 5, in which we considered some of the Apostle Paul's advice about being prepared for the Second Coming. Join us for the study by clicking play above.

How Does Your Faith Measure Up?

How Does Your Faith Measure Up?

Today's sermon was a timely challenge that called us to asses the way that we exercise our faith in conflict. When things get tough we often either blame God or blame our faith. But are they the only two options? Listen along and see what you think

Sabbath – Duty or Delight?

Sabbath – Duty or Delight?

Pr Brett Townend was gracious enough to pay us a visit and speak for us today. We were blessed by his message which was a challenge to make the Sabbath the best day of the week! Is it your favourite day of the week? Let us know in the comments

The Sabbath – Where Did I Miss That?

The Sabbath – Where Did I Miss That?

We had a special Friday evening presentation brought to us by our conference President Pr Brett Townend today. He spoke to us about some of the significance that the Jews place on the Sabbath, and introduces us to a powerful principle about the Sabbath from the single...

Blessed to be a Blessing

Blessed to be a Blessing

Today's message was a challenge to be intentional about spreading the blessings that God has given you to those around you. "We can do a lot more for Christianity in what we do." Michael said. So, how are you going to be a blessing to others this week?...

Family Foundations

Family Foundations

Today's message was a Bible Study that emphasised the importance of the spiritual leadership of the husband & father. Alongside of Christ, the father is responsible for the spiritual health and growth of the family. Pr Mark shared that he believes society is in...

It is Finished!

It is Finished!

Today's message was somewhat of a solemn reflection upon the Cross of Calvary as the source of motivation and trust. When Jesus called out "It is Finished" what was it that had reached it's completion? Come with us on the journey as we discuss one of the things He...

Biblical Principles for Health

Biblical Principles for Health

Today's sermon was a bit of a study through the Bible about some of God's principles for good health. Spending most of his time on good practices of thinking, Kevin talked to us about rejoicing in the Lord, and avoiding distorted thinking. Join us for the study.

ROTM: Revolution in Review

ROTM: Revolution in Review

Today's sermon was a bringing together of the major themes of the sermon on the mount. As if upon the mountain with the people of old we heard the revolutionary call of Jesus to a 'whole new way' of being human. The question now remains: will we take that challenge?...

ROTM: Disciples Indeed

ROTM: Disciples Indeed

Today's message was a brilliant treatment of the last part of Jesus' sermon. Pr Mark examined the directives that Jesus gave us to ensure that we will be able to enter the Kingdom to be with Him at last. "Choose life!" is the message of Jesus.

ROTM: Don’t Judge, Just Do!

ROTM: Don’t Judge, Just Do!

Would you believe that we had technical issues again this week 🙁 There may be a hidden agenda behind this, two brilliant messages missed due to recording problems... Anyway, please do check out the notes that are available for this one. It will be well worth the...