Spiritual food. Pre-recordedDo you want to be made well?
This week Dave shared a powerful message based on John chapter 5. In it we find a message of hope that can neutralise our shame and help us to forgive ourselves so we can finally allow God to restore us.
Breaking Through to Spiritual Maturity
Today's message was the third part to Pr Mark's recent series. This part took a look at some of the things that will help us move through immaturity, to a place of spiritual growth.
Christian Growth
Today's message took us through the book of 2 Peter. This was Peter's last message before he died and contains much exhortation - but especially to always continue to grow in the Lord.
Goals & Desires (Part 2)
Today's sermon was the second part of a series in which Pastor Mark talked to us about the way we define our happiness & fulfilment. Tune in today for part two and learn how to live a life that is pleasing to God - by faith.
The Church & It’s Identity
Today the sermon was brought to us by our old Pastor. He spoke to us about the identity of our church and it's mission in these very pertinent days of earth's history.
Goals & Desires
Today's message gave us some tools for determining if our goals for the new year are good goals or bad goals. Then, how to pursue them in such a way as to fulfil God's ultimate goal for our lives.
I Am the Resurrection and the Life
Want to be encouraged and inspired? This sermon is for you! We had the pleasure of another visit from Pr Ricardo today and he shared a message about the power of Jesus to change your life!
Seeking God’s Spirit
Today's message carried on the theme of the 10 Days of Prayer that our church has been engaged in worldwide. Pr Mark, picking up on that theme, spoke of what it means to be men and women of prayer.
What Was Abolished?
Today's message was a thought provoking Bible Study. Kevin asked an important question of a seemingly difficult verse in Ephesians, wrestling with its context. Listen along!
What is God?
Today James asked the provocative question: What is God? With the New Year fast approaching, James reminded us that God is Creator, Redeemer and Restorer. He is the God of new beginnings! Have a Happy New Year!!
An Unexpected Hero
Merry Christmas! Today's sermon is a reminder that imbedded in the gift of God's son as a babe were all the elements for starting a revolution. Will you join the campaign this Christmas?
The Two Cups
Today we celebrated the Lord's Supper. In preparation for the service, Pastor Mark shared a powerful message to remind us of the significance of the cup of blessing.
The Forgotten Man of Christmas
With only a few verses written about him in the Bible, Joseph is the forgotten man of Christmas. Today Michael reminded us of the important part that Joseph played in the Christmas story.
The Holiness of God (Part II)
Can we have confidence in approaching a holy God? This message, the second in a two part series, has two objectives: to describe an appropriate response to God's holiness, and to provide hope for the sinner. I think you will be blessed as you tag along for the journey!
The Holiness of God (Part I)
Sometimes we are inclined to choose to focus on one aspect of God, to the neglect of others. In today's message, the first part in a two part series, Pastor Marks seeks to highlight one of those neglected aspects - the holiness of God.
Justification by Works? The Gospel According to James
This is Part 2 of this short series on Justification. In this message, Pastor Mark discusses the gospel according to James, and seeks to reconcile the apparent contradictions between James and Paul's theology.
Getting Right with God. The Gospel According to Paul
Are you ready for another short series? In this series Pastor Mark has the somewhat audacious goal of trying to both show how to effectively study the Bible, whilst disecting the justification theology of Paul and James.
Why Jesus Waits (Part 2)
The second instalment of a series from Pr Mark on the conditional nature of prophecy. If you haven't yet listened to part one, go back and listen, and then strap yourself in to enjoy this second part.