Family Come As you Are Group

A family oriented bible study and care group
About GroupJoin Now
Part Care Group

Our night starts out at 5pm with a simple, and yet often very tasty, meal. This is where meaningful and supportive relationships grow as we connect and share things like our struggles, yet achieved goals and what God has on our hearts. Succeeding in all these areas  seems that little bit easier and more likely through the care and encouragement of this group.

Part Bible Study Group

We then seek an even greater encouragement in our bible study at around 5.40pm. Our bible studies are family oriented and we often look at other christian literature, for example ‘Child Guidance’ was a recent one. We finish with prayer.

100% Families Group

Families can be such a powerful force in our community and church yet we often feel suffocated and helpless under time, budget and energy constraints. It is our hope that as we connect with each other, in support and understanding, we can help each other do what God has put on our hearts.

Note: Nappy changes, Having the night off, Kids being kids and Parents napping on the couch are all welcome.


The Details

Who: Families/Everyone

When: Wed 5pm-6.30pm

Where: Different members home each week

Contact Information: You can get in touch with Daniel, Josefina, Luke or any of the other members of this group personally or reach them through the contact form below on this page

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