ROTM: The Treasury of Faith

ROTM: The Treasury of Faith

ROTM: The Treasury of Faith by Andrés Scheffer Unfortunately, due to technical difficulty we have no audio from today’s sermon. Quite a shame because it was a lovely sermon. We have tried to be as thorough as possible with the notes so that you can still...
ROTM: Learning to Pray Like Jesus

ROTM: Learning to Pray Like Jesus

ROTM: Learning to Pray Like Jesus by Clive Wissmann Today Clive took us on a Bible study through the first part of Matthew 6 – exploring both the personal prayer...
ROTM: The Law & The Prophets (Part 2)

ROTM: The Law & The Prophets (Part 2)

ROTM: The Law & The Prophets (Part 2) by Pr Mark Turner If you’ve been following along with the series you HAVE to listen to this message. What an incredible message...
ROTM: The Law & The Prophets (Part 1)

ROTM: The Law & The Prophets (Part 1)

ROTM: The Law & The Prophets (Part 1) by David Brown Today we heard the words of Jesus affirming the unchangeable nature of the Law, calling for true...
ROTM: The Beatitudes

ROTM: The Beatitudes

ROTM: The Beattitudes by Pr Mark Turner In the first message of the ‘Revolution on the Mount’ series Pr Mark spoke about what it means...