Communion & The Kingdom

Communion & The Kingdom

Communion & The Kingdom by Pr Mark Turner The Communion service is celebrated as a memorial of the work of our Saviour. As with all of the great truths of scripture there are other...
Things That Hold Us Back

Things That Hold Us Back

Things That Hold Us Back by Alan Zana Alan’s sermon today was a walk through some of the narrative of Israel making observations along the way about what...
Preparation for the Second Coming

Preparation for the Second Coming

Preparation for the Second Coming by Clive Wissmann Today’s sermon was a Bible Study based in 1 Thessalonians 4 & 5, in which we considered some of the Apostle Paul’s...
Family Foundations: Distortion & Restoration

Family Foundations: Distortion & Restoration

Family Foundations: Distortion & Restoration by Pr Mark Turner This sermon was prepared especially for visitors day View Sermon...
How Does Your Faith Measure Up?

How Does Your Faith Measure Up?

How Does Your Faith Measure Up? by Daniel Banios Today’s sermon was a timely challenge that called us to asses the way that we exercise our faith in conflict. When things get tough...