Reciprocal Living

Reciprocal Living

Reciprocal Living by Hinkler Teen Sabbath School God’s kingdom is based on one powerful principle: giving. And giving is the most God-like and influential thing a human being can do....
Resting in Christ

Resting in Christ

Resting in Christ by Hinkler Teen Sabbath School The Sabbath is a weekly reminder of both creation and redemption, both of which are God’s work. It signifies relational rest with God....
Why Jesus Waits (Part 1)

Why Jesus Waits (Part 1)

Why Jesus Waits by Pr Mark Turner Today we had a challenging message. Quite possibly one of Pr Mark’s favourite topics, the sermon was about the conditional...
Life in God’s Love

Life in God’s Love

Life in God's Love by Hinkler Teen Sabbath School There’s only one thing God desires for human beings: other-centered love. His law describes what this love kind of looks like in...
The Last Supper

The Last Supper

The Last Supper by Pr Mark Turner Today we celebrated the Lord’s Supper at church. Before we participated in the service Mark shared a great message with us to...