Does God Repent?

Does God Repent?

Does God Repent? by Orhue Enoma Today’s message was a thought provoking study in answer to the question: ‘Does God Repent?’ Orhue put a lot of effort...
The Millenium

The Millenium

The Millenium by Hinkler Teen Sabbath School God will bring evil to an end in such a way as to ensure that it will never rise again—by the full disclosure of His good character. For...
The Second Coming

The Second Coming

The Second Coming by Hinkler Teen Sabbath School The entire biblical narrative rushes forward to a single point of climactic beauty: Jesus will return to receive the church as His...
Matt’s Story

Matt’s Story

“When I read John 12:25 “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” I just started praising God because I can tell you with 100% certainty that I hated my life up to that point and I was so eager to...
Emblems of Hope

Emblems of Hope

Emblems of Hope by Pr Mark Turner Today we celebrated the Lord’s Supper at church and Pr Mark shared a lovely message of encouragement before the service. In this...